CryptoZone - Crypto React Native Expo Mobile App Template
This documentation is last updated on 24 December 2024.
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Installation -
1.- Install Node.js
1.- Install Node.js
To run React Native app via the command line first, we need to install node.js. The easiest way is downloading it from the official website open the package and follow the wizard.
2. Install node modules
To install React Native packages run following command.
cd ./source npm install
3. Start a development server
To run React Native app run following command.
npx expo start
4. Press "a" | open Android
Using your Simulator and build project
1.- Install Node.js
1.- Install Node.js
To run React Native app via the command line first, we need to install node.js. The easiest way is downloading it from the official website open the package and follow the wizard.
2. Install node modules
To install React Native packages run following command.
cd ./source npm install
3. Start a development server
To run React Native app run following command.
npx expo start
4. Press "i" | open IOS simulator
Using your Simulator and build project
Folder Directories -
- Package
- .expo
- android
- app
- .idea
- assets
- components
- Accordion
- ActionSheet
- BottomSheet
- Button
- ...
- constants
- layout
- Navigations
- Redux
- screens
- assets
- .gitignore
- app.json
- App.tsx
- babel.config.js
- eas.json
- package.json
- package-lock.json
- tsconfig.json
- webpack.config.js
Source Structure -
Utils Files
File locate: ./app/Utils/..
- Theme color for app
- images use for the app
- Icons & Fonts use for the app
File locate: ./app/Navigations/..
- Define first loading screen here.
- You can add bottom Navigation Screen in
File locate: ./app/Screens/..
Then navigation has defined in ./app/Navigations/StackNavigator.js
will link with screens locate in folder ./app/Screens/..
App all screens design are locate in here (./app/screens/..).
You could change or re-structure by matching with your own project structure design.
File locate: ./app/assets/..
You can store images or other file resource in this folder
Theme -
Font Family
The default font family name “Poppins” & "Cabin"
are being used for this template. If you need change or a custom font to be the prettiest? You’ll need the .ttf files for all supported styles (thin, ultraLight, light, regular, medium, semibold, bold, heavy, black …). Here are the few steps you need to add it.
Add more font family in folder ./app/assets/fonts/..
After added new font, open your terminal and run
npx react-native-asset
The template are using color palette following format below.
You can change the theme prop dynamically and all the components will automatically update to reflect the new theme. Open file ./app/constants/theme.js
App Name & Icon -
Change the app name
Open file ./package/app.json
and replace CryptoZone with your app name
Change App Icon
open folder ./package/assets
when you download of 1024px x 1024px (width x height) you got files then replace them with the below.